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Sublimation Coating

I recently purchased the sublimation coating and it's phenomenal. I have not completed all the wash tests yet but as compared to the other subli sprays I purchased and tired, this one is the bomb. The print is so vivid and the texture is excellent. I am wondering exactly how much I am to put on the t-shirts for the coating to be effective. Also I would like to know if there is a larger size container of the coating. I purchased a different coating in a little jug and just refilled my spray bottle. The liquid is a little thicker than any of the other sprays I tried so it more does a stream on the spray setting. I then used a clean microfiber cloth to spread it evenly over the print area of the t-shirt and let it dry. I noticed with this spray I didn't have the issue of the singed shirt, especially if you are doing it on a white t shirt. The other sprays left a yellow area of slight singe on the t-shirts after pressing. I am actually thrilled with this new product. My question is did you invent this formula? I have been pushing the envelope with this new product and am using it on other substrates with amazing results. I am in heaven with this stuff. I would love to be able to purchase a larger size bottle. I have gone wild with mine and all my ideas for it's use that i need another bottle soon.

thank you for such an amazing product

Keep the inventions and modifications coming. I'll be curious to see what trick you have up your sleeve next


Karen Wooldridge

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